Saturday, December 30, 2006


The silken string
Which holds together
The beads ofAspirations,
The single thread of that hapless Arachnid,
Swaying in the cruel breeze of reality.
That one four letter word
Which still lifts its head
Under the burning torrent of four letter words.
The blind eye that struggles to see the half full glass.
A totally contradictory entity-
this thing called hope.
A lease to life,
A reason to kill.

The Ceremony

She ran as fast as her pudgy legs would carry her, glancing back just once to look at the man she left at the altar.

But not fast enough.

"Kiki no! No! Come back here!"That was mummy.
Strong hands caught her chubby little arms, picking her up like a flailing sack of potatoes.That was Daddy.

"NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!" She screamed.

"Kiki, the Reverend is just going to pour some wa-"


"Oh Goddamn it!"
"Roger! We're in a Church!"
"I don't care-!"
"Ahem."That was the Reverend.

Somehow whenever the Reverend spoke, everyone else seemed to shut up-or, as in Kiki's case, atleast lower the decibel level.

"Ahem." said the Reverend "Perhaps I could be of assistance. I'll talk to her." He put out a cold grey hand to Kiki.

Kiki's eyes shot to the door. Her fathers tightening hand on her collar said 'Don't even think about it' more elquently than a thousand line epic. Mummy shot her a glance which promised a sore bottom for a week. Well, she was pretty much dead already. So, there didn't seem much harm in talking to the old scarecrow.

Kiki- no no no- Katherine Elizabeth Mackenzie- lifted her chin and took the hand. She walked straight and proud, her shoulders squared. She bet Joan of Arc probably looked like this when she went to the stake.

The Reverend took Kiki to the little garden at the back.

"So Kiki, don't you want to be baptized?"


The reader may go off on a tangent and imagine Kiki to be some Damian like devil-kid prototype. But the truth is that, in all her 5 long years of existence on the 1770s American Frontier, Kiki Mackenzie had never seen a church before. And this new Bostonian Church, with its sharp spires and pointed building, looked like something out of Uncle George's Dracula books.

"Nont! " she declared more forcefully " I know ye, ye old gargoyle! When i close my eyes yer gonner swoop down and sink yer fangs into me and turn me into them vampeer things!"

"What?!" The Reverend looked remarkably like a gold fish just then.

"An' if ye think I'm gonner letcha do that ye've got another thik comin' so there!"

The Reverend blinked a few times and then seemed to remember that he wasn't an owl.

"Er...Kiki dear, this is a Church-"
" No 'snot! Church is the house of God."
" Yes. It is th-"
" This shore don't look like any house i've seen."

The Reverend deliberately did not tear his hair.

"That's because God's house has to be special. He-"
"Oh yeah, if this is His house, how come all his pictures show him crying an' sad an' all huh? If this is His house, He shore don' like it."

Come to think of it she had a point, all the pictures did- But that's irrelevant!- The Reverend had to get this done.

"Listen Kiki, all I'm going to do is pour some water on your head and say some Latin verses and you're baptized!"

"An' how do I know yer not gonner put some hocus pocus on me huh? Huh? Huh?"

"You should trust-"
Logic was not working here. Though the Reverend - like Kiki aptly put it- did look like a gargolyle hewn from rock, his stony visage housed some incredibly creative faculties. He let out a huge, dramatic sigh.

" Alright Kiki.I have no choice. I have to tell you that great secret."

Kiki's eyes took on saucer like dimensions.

"I used to be one of God's angels."
Good it's working.
" Yes.. I refused to be baptized and so I have been punished to spend an eternity on Earth. And I have to eat oat cake and porridge every day- without honey!"

Kiki- tantrumic, and at most times the devils answer to the Child of God- possessed a very sympathetic heart and a disposition for heroics and general saving-the-helpless. The porridge without honey seemed the sharpest barb in the crown of thorns she pictured the Reverend in.

"There is only one way to save me, and only you can do it Kiki."
"What is it ?" Kiki glowed with the determination to save the hapless Reverend.

"For every child I baptized, 100 years were removed from my punishment.Now there are only 100 years left. If you refuse...then I will never be able to go to heaven. Please, you must help me."

A grown up was asking her for help!!

"Le's go Reverend. We have a baptism to finish."

The Reverend let out a sigh of relief and promised himself a few Hail Marys as penance. They went into the Church. Kiki's knees knocked in fear. But she steeled herself with the sad image of the Reverend's gargoyle face crumpled in pain.

They reached the altar.

The Reverend's lips moved in the prayer.

Steady Kiki.

He dipped his hand in the basin.

Hold on there sport.

The hand came out again.

Be strong Kiki.

The hand came down towards her.

Steady Ki-


Mary had a little Pig-A sensible nonsense poem

Mary had a little Pig
It's steaks were white as snow.
And they were so juicy and big
She liked to eat them so.

But this statement has logical fallacies,
And goes against Peta policies.
Consider if you will-

'You can't have your cake and eat it'
Then how can you with a pig?
And besides, if thePig was little,
How can it be juicy and big?

Thus I ponder this cosmic riddle,
With sweaty brow and thumbs a-twiddle.
Walked in circles and triangles.
Parallelograms and quadrangles-
I came to a conclusion-
The perfect solution-
If you can't beat 'em,
Join 'em.

Now I'm off to Mary's to dig
Into some Pig.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Moveover Switzerland India is here!

These are a few pics of some of the most beautiful places i have ever seen in my scanty travelling experience.It pays to have a digi. :D Makes me wonder why people go all the way accross the ocean to see sights that we can find in our own country.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Clear eyes look out
On a world as muddy
as a puddle of dirt.
Unflinching at chaos
Unblinking at hate.
Bleeding no tears of pain
As man fights brother.
And mute victims cringe
with their cries unheard.
They look bright and blue
At the scarred face
Of this land of peace-
now pieces of land.
And as carrion birds sweep
And tear and pierce the flesh,
The eyes still stare
Bright and Blue
From the face of one that fought
And won

Friday, July 28, 2006


Life can be strange at times.

I am sure at some point of time in everyone's lifetime, there comes a moment where you stop in your tracks and say "WHOA!"

You know like during the september 11 wtc attacks. My aunt works with the UN. In that building.The only reason she was saved was because she was caught in traffic that day. Similarly, during the recent Bombay blasts, my friend's aunt had an equally close shave- she couldn't get into the train because someone shoved her out of the station.

Its things like this that make one stop in their tracks and take a look at the life they had been leading.

I mean we go through everyday faster than a caterpillar eating a leaf!"Oh I'm so busy !" we exclaim-but boil it down, what substantial thing are we doing? Have we made any real difference through our acts? If start analysing we'd probably realise that it's the little things that make it all worth while.

I know you must be groaning "Here she goes again about memories" But wait a sec gimme a chance man! just imagine this-at the end of your college life, are your classmates going to remember the grades you got- OR - are they going to remember the things you did to help them, hurt them, the gags the the comfort sought and provided...are they going to remember that-or they going to remember the notes you wrote?

ON that note, lets stop. This was today's dose of food for thought :D.

Monday, May 29, 2006


Today I decided to to take a walk through the wild jungles of my slightly(??) unhinged mind.And here's the first thought that popped up.

There are a few things that really matter in this world. I mean, of course our life is cluttered with "important" things at every point of time; but stop a while- wait a minute- hold your horses: out of those millions of things that "mattered", what stays perenially important until now??Hardly any.
Shows how fickle we human beings, are doesn't it? Lets just take a simple example. two years back, 12th standard, what was topmost in our list of priorities was the boards & admission. Now? Heh heh heh.

The things that matter are the people who have supported you through life, passions, nature, memories. People who have been there whenever, wherever,whatever! Like family, friends who stick like glue, mentors. Passions which helped succour your spirit and nurture your mind- like music, art, dance, running a mile and feeling the blood pump through every vessel in your body. Nature,or should I say, beauty.Beauty as in the purity of a sea of green hills in the early morning. The tranquil strength of that giant blue ocean ,the sight of that endless blanket of blue that is the summer sky.Memories: like those endless evenings spent playing mindless games with your little brother. Thinking of the silly jokes over which both of you would laugh your heads off.Remembering how your mother had cried when you won the competetion. Of how her eyes crinkle at the sides when she smiles. How your dad just knows when you want to have ice creams and gets it for you without u saying a word. How your friends came all the way from their place driving through the traffic just to see you. How all of us spent an entire evening trying to fix a banquet and ended up eating most of it before it reached the table. Of the surprises planned and the scrapes shared.

It's things like this that really matter.Everything else is susceptible to change. But the things that remain evergreen are the things that matter. Because whatever you become and whatever your new priorities" are- these are the things that will make you sit up and give ABSO-BLOOMIN-LUTE attention.

Friday, May 26, 2006


These are my limericks I dunno whether they are technically correct, but I'm sure the comments I get will help me correct any mistakes. Cheers! Read on.

There was once a man from Burma,
He suffered from Leuco- Derma.
He darkened his patches,
And broke out in rashes;
He blames it on his karma.

There was once an old Sheikh from Muscat.
He kept all his money in a casket.
His apprentice knew,
With it he flew.
He didn't know the Sheikh had a musket.

There was once a girl called Shreya,
Who spent her days in prayer.
Along came Nitin,
And she was smitt'n.
Now she has no time for prayer.

POEM- Eve's Bite

One bite-
The Elixir flows.
Succulent flesh pours forth the juice;
Thirst quenching,
Life thrives-
But knowledge awakens-
The flow ends-
No one mourns a mosquitoe:
It bit the Forbidden Fruit.



Dried, dull,burnt corpses.
Yellow stalks bearing witness,
To the Sun's bright smile.


Frosty smiles, cold faces-
graves of the seeds lie under
seas of bitter ice.

Electric fan-

Half-hearted circles,
Slow, lazy revolutions-
Mirage of Spring breeze.


Dark and bright mingles,
Light and shadow play catch-catch.
A tube is dying.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

STORY: And then it rained...


Rimi- 14yrs, student-tenth standard
Present Situation: hyperventilating, Eyes bulging, mouth working: in short, SHE'S GONNA BLOW!

"MAAAAA!"Rimi hollered- proving that Rimi's vocal chords were in superb condition.


" What is it? What is it?"

Ma- 38 yrs, teacher
Present Situation: Half Asleep, confused,worried.

" What is it?"


" What?Rimi, it'll do me a lot of good if you slowed down and - "

" Ma are my fingers falling off?"


Ma, Present Situation: Irritated, incredulous.

" You wake me up at two o clock in the morning because you wanted to know whether your fingers were falling off?????"

Nod, nod.

Ma took a long deep breath- ignoring the acid smell of both Rimi and Ranji's socks, a rotting lost lunch, and several other unique fragrances.

" No Rimi dear, your fingers are not falling off. See-they are all right there: all 10 of them. Now why don't you go back to sleep? You have your first exam tomorrow."

For the kind reader, who has been wondering for so long why a 14yr old girl of adequate mental faculties, must believe her fingers to be falling off- this will be a revelation.

You see, Rimi was going to write that incredible hurdle of the education system- The BOARDS. Yes, that looming spectre of Lugubrious Learning, that Emperor of Exams. That very same institution that turns students into desperate tape recorders - striving,straining to catch every word of their Together Withs and R.D Sharmas in their Venus fly trap brains, until no other thought but " MARKS" beat a tattoo into their young souls.

And these tattoos had begun to burn in poor Rimi's breast since the month before- taking the shape of terrible nightmares. Her worst one, until now, was where she stared at a blank question paper and every one else got a normal one. Finally, when the first question appeared on the blank sheet- the bell would ring and her answer sheet, white as driven snow, was torn away from her clutching hands.

But this newest one was the worst by far. In this case- She got a normal question paper- She even knew all the answers . But the moment she took the pen up to let her knowledge flow- Catastrophe!!"- each of her fingers fell off until all that was left was a trapezium shaped stub!!!

So friends, you will not condemn her to being childish- you will empathise with the turmoil in that young mind, when she bagan screaming "MAAAAA".

It took Ma another 10 mins to get Rimi to go to sleep again.


The day dawned.

The sky was overshadowed by dark black clouds and the rain beat a steady rhythm on the window panes.

Rimi felt like a goat during BakrEid.

"Hey sis, you're writing the first one today right?"

Ranji: 15yrs, student-11th.
Present Situation: gloating.

All Rimi could do was nod a shaken affirmative while the toast turned to ashes in her mouth.

" know, the general view is that the paper is going to be really tough this year." said Ranji nonchantly while Rimi wished him to perdition.

"It's ok Rimi. I am sure you'll scrape a 60%" Ranji smirked.

Rimi prayed for a war to erupt just then.

"Anyway 50% percent is also possible eh?"

Nuclear explosion PLEASE!!!

" Don't worry, if you fail, you can always write a compartment."

" Shut up you fool!"

"That's enough Ranji!"

Pappa- 43yrs, engineer.

" Hey, I was just stating facts."

" Sadist!" spat Rimi" I didn't see you stating facts this time last year. And I'll be sure to remind you of them next year this time!"

Rimi had the satisfaction of seeing him blanche.

"Stop it both of you! Rimi have your coffee."

" Pappa, I really don't want coffee."

" Did you eat your toast?"

"Yes" said Rimi, quickly checking whether her half eaten toast was well concealed.

"Rimi, stop being fussy and eat it. You can't go on an empty stomach- you know that."


20 mins later-

"Pappa, shall we go."

"No wait, I'll just catch the broadcast.."

Oh no! this was just like nightmare no 132- leaving late reaching the examination hall just when bell rings for withdrawal of paper.

" No no pappa lets go now!" The whining had begun.

" Rimi, this will just take a few minutes and we have an hour and half till the assigned time anyway. Just calm down. "

Easier said than done Pappa dear.

" Pappa please pappa, take me there now pappa, pleasee pleaase please pappa, pleeeaaasssse."

' But Rimi, I -"

"Pleaaase...." almost in tears now.

Ma intervened- " Take her, you can see how she is. You can catch the broadcast later."

Pappa, understanding and patient though he was, could really not understand or be patient with Rimi's unatural nervousness. But- majority wins. Mumbling and grumbling about Prima-donna daughters and over hyped examinations Pappa left for school.

Horror of horrors, traffic jam!

Damn And Blast!!

"The roads seem flooded after yesterday's rain." commented Pappa, trying in vain to infuse some small talk into the charged atmosphere.

" Pappa we have to be at school by 7:30 otherwise the bus leaves without us to the centre!"

"Yes Rimi, but the car in front has to move right?" replied Pappa to his distraught offspring while furiously honking the horn.

15 desperate, nerve racking minutes later, the car was moving again, wipers flapping listlessly.

"Pappa please drive faster."

" Rimi, the road is full of water!"

"Pappa please we are going to be late!"

" Ok ok I''ll hurry."

Oh my God it's 7:15!!!

" Pappa, faster pappa!"

" Yes yes calm down it's only an exam."

"It's 7:15!!"Rimi was close to hysteria now.

" Rimi, don't worry- if we are late, I'll take you to the centre myself."

" Oh no! Alex sir said he'd give us some last tips! I'll fail if I didn't hear that!"

" Rimi, the only thing you have a risk of failing is in avoiding hyper tension. Now be sensible and stop being such a muddle of nerves."

" Yes Pappa."

There was a moment of silence.

"Pappa please drive faster!"

There's no use Pappa, your daughter is too strung up.

Finally, after a severely sloshy sojourn, the poor car reached it's destination.

Rimi jumped out of the car and ran to the front gate . The beating rain was unfelt on her zealous forehead. All Rimi cared about right then was to get into the bus, reach the centre, write the exam.

Pappa was calling something out.

"What is it Pappa?" asked Rimi just as she entered and turned to find-



Poor Pappa probably thought Rimi witnessed some gruesome sight- not just a missing School bus. Not that we can blame him for supposing this- Rimi was standing motionless like a zombie; rain dripping from her ponytail, staring into the empty courtyard.

" Rimi! Rimi! What happened dear?" Pappa ran up to her and covered her head with his umberella.

"It's gone...." she whispered" gone..."

" Ah Reemee! what you doing? How you are?"

Ummar ikka: unknown yrs, watchman cum janitor cum canteen supervisor.
Present situation: Cheerful, umberella weilding.

"Hello Ummar ikka, how are you?" asked Pappa respectfully.

" Me?" Ummar ikka smiled genially, wiping his thick horn rimmed glasses," Oh, I am good. My leg not hurting so much- it usual bad hurtings when raining, but today not-"

" Pappa," Rimi meanwhile had revived from the shock "Pappa, shouldn't we be..." she ended giving him the broad hint.

"Ah.. Reemee," began Ummar ikka." why you in uniform? Where you going?"

Rimi underwent a sudden transformation- she was now patronising-better-informed-but kind-individual talking to inferior-intelligence-organism.

" You see Ummar ikka, today is the first board exam"

" No no Reemee, no exam today."

Rimi was now getting annoyed, valuable minutes were slipping away as she conversed with a man who had obviously gone senile.

" Ummar ikka, today is the beginning of the exams."

" No Reemee."

"But ikka, today is the 12th remember. "

"Yes Reemee."

"Then the exams are today."

" No Reemee."

Rimi was getting hysterical again.


"Wait Rimi. Why is there no exam then, Ummar ikka?"

"The morning broadcast say there no exam today because bad raining. See- news paper saying also."

"WHAT??????"shouted Rimi.

"Rimi! Rimi! Wake up! Wake up what is wrong? What happened?"

Rimi woke up to stare at Ranji's worried face.

" rained Ranji, it rained.."


Friday, May 05, 2006

Nominate for the Ignoble Awards-Morning sleep

It's widely acknowledged that yours truly is not the morning type.

I belong to the category of "normal human being". Those who burrow deeper into the matress/quilt/anywhere away from the source of light or sound, at the burst of light with the drawn curtains and wail of the (damned) alarm. But unlike what mindless, cynical, worldwise, dumdums call "laziness" (gasp!!Shocked stares!), we morning sleepers are conoisseurs of le dormis. I call it the Theory of Conscious Sleep.

There is a logical explanation for this theory.

Now let us look at a general scenario. When you are asleep at night- I mean the deep, mindless, drool-from-open-mouth kind of sleep. The kind of sleep from which even an earthquake wouldn't wake you: that is "dull sleep'. Sleep that's...well..dull. I mean you don't really enjoy it because....Dammit!you are not even concious at that point of time!

Now at around the time where your body clock knows it has to wake up- you reach a state of semi-concious sleep. That's why you can hear your mother's voice when she starts the whole " Get-up-you're-late routine. Precisely when you hear that voice/siren/death knell, this theory kicks in.
Now you can savour your sleep. Feel it seeping through your over worked body (???? no, no creative conotations thankyou)Experience it like a vision, Enjoy it like some fragrant wine...Why? Because, technically, you aren't really asleep. You are concious of the feel of the warm blanket and the cold world outside. You are conscious of how your bones feel like they are sleeping. You are conscious of the fact that every second of borrowed sleep involves a risk factor. "Risk Factor ?" you ask. Of course! Sleeping late involves many risks. Some of them are-

a) You might get clobbered by the mater when she loses her temper and decides to manually remove ( read 'throw you out') of the safe sanctuary of your bed.

b) You may have to re-enact the Speed 2 stunts so that you reach your work place on time...well...atleast not too late.

So, naturally,when posed with these risks- the adventurer in you wakes up and decides-" Let's just see how far I can push it!" Because this risk factor also involves not only lightning fast reflex actions ( in event of a hurled pan of water/ running to catch a bus), but also quick thinking and pitting your wits against worthy adversaries- your mother/ warden/ room-mate.
Naturally any hot-blooded human being will rise to the occassion and exhibit an act of pure defiance by staying asleep.

Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to declare that we morning sleepers are not what lesser mortals call " lazy bums" ( poor chaps, they are just....intellectually know what I mean?) . We are the fighters of the small struggles! We are the pioneers for Revolution- we leave no rule unbroken! We are the true believers of " Method in Madness ". So next time you are being forced to wake up in the morning- just remember the " Theory of Concious Sleep" and stay PUT!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Some of my haikus


The fires burn higher.
We cry for revolution!-
Of the dead fan blades.

Exam paper:

Red gashes on snow,
Dark smudges on white wastelands-
It's Death by paper.

To Varshini

She wanted to be free.
To run,
Like the wind in the desert.
She wanted to fly
Higher still.
She wanted to be not anyone -
She wanted to be The One.
She wanted to be able to look
at the whole world :
looking up at her .

She wanted so much-
She could have Had so much!
A moment's mistake,
turned all her dreams-
into just dreams.

This poem is dedicated to 13yr old Varshini, who lost her life along with her brother in a car accident last week. May their souls rest in peace.

Monday morning

Waking up in the morning to the alarm-4:00 am. Slamming it silent, then waking up 2hrs later-and late. Rush rush rush to the bathroom-Shit! Indu is already in.Damn! Run! Get the dorm bathroom before that is booked too. Aah thank God !Indu is out. Get the bucket don't forget the towel. 5 minutes left hurry!Oh no! the banging on the door has begun,holler-" I'll be out in a minute! ".

Ok towel around hair,jump into jeans-" yeah yeah I'm coming"-shirt on the right way- "Just 2 more minutes"- out of there! Udhaya goes into the ring. ok 15 minutes left-You can still make it. Quick poke in the lens.Forget the hair-who cares if it's wet? And if it looks like a haystack when its dry-deal with it.
Grab your satchel, phone-ok go! No no no!come back get rid of the bathroom slippers! ok Now go! No no!get your wallet. Ok now go. No no! check for your assignment-it's there? ok go.

Mad dash-" good morning ma'am"- drink somebody's coffee. Run, run, run-Dammit! Missed the bus! Wait-there's another one!
Jump in and hang on for dear life. " I am not your chair asshole, gerroff me!"Large curve coming up-Mission Impossible 2 stunt replica ( only this time on a rickety MTC 29c bus)

Final destination arrived-still alive. Cross the Black River populated by murderous crocodiles varieties: Bajaj, Ambassadors, Hondas, Pulsars.

You' ve made it!!!!!!!

" Hey Shree you are so early! And you look so fresh!"

Nothing like a Monday morning to give you that adrenalin rush!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Change shmange

It's all very fine saying change is inevitable and all that. The truth of the matter is that most people, make that all people, hate and I mean really HATE change. But that doesn't mean they don't want change. Everyone wants the other person to change,the rest of the world to change perhaps!
It's like Calvin( Calvin and Hobbes) says-" I want everyone else to change for me."
Of course, that is a hyperactive six-year-old perspective...but it does say something of the truth doesn't it? Even the slightest change is a cause of great despair. It's all very nice to say 'signature style' and all that, but-For God sakes!!- even a wardrobe change makes most people uncomfortable!

I think my family is a living breathing example of people resisting change. It's always been 'the way' for my uncle to sit at the tail of the table. He likes it there( heh heh heh). So when a guest who didn't know of this took 'his' seat, he spent the entire meal twisting, turning, fidgeting....generally behaving like he was on pins and needles. Now whenever a new guest comes you find him running to claim the special position(heh heh heh). My 14 yr old brother is an equally good example of how unconsciously anti-change we are. He would not eat a sandwich because it had less peanut butter than he usually has! This example promptly does away with the ridiculous myth that only older people find change a 50 ft hurdle.

Aversion to change not only causes inconveniences to the dining table. On a larger scale, people just don't give attention to persons who the have already slotted as(read-have accepted as and refuse to change perspective) either dull, uncreative or even troublesome. That's what happened to Einstein. Thankfully he had one teacher who had the sense to do a paradigm shift. Then there are the social examples. Why do you think it takes so long for a tiny social reform to come through hmm?

Which only brings us to the central point- what makes us behave like stuck screws, refusing to some out until you are painfully wrenched to reality? Why do we persist in being so boxed? Is it because we are programmed for automatic denial? Or is it simply because we don't want to? Perhaps this reluctance to change is one of those 'human traits'-those flaws which are supposed to exist so that we remain human. Well, thats a reassuring possibility-that way we don't have to change being averse to change; right?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Life and other questions

There is so much we are so prone to taking for granted isn't there? the sun rising in the morning, the water being wet,the summers being dry. The contraction of facial muscles causing smiles and frowns, flowers being pretty, music being nice......It all 'supposed to be' Suppose blue were not blue and actually mustard?or suppose when we ask for something 'hot' we want coke?imagine if i were taller???????Oh no-wont do at! It would be utter chaos and pandemonium wouldn't it?

And so its accepted that blues is blue, coke i cool and sree is on the litller side of the little scale.
These observations prove that whatever we know/do/say comes from a former known/done /said entity.

So in the end it all boils down to the point-
The whole world is made up of preconceived ideas and thoughts. what we call creativiy , spontaenity etc is all actually a remixing of old ideas into a new packet. Wat is absolutely NEW? Nothing. everything is based on something else. Everything is relative....rather depressing isn't it?

But then if you think about it..its true..sort of atleast.

Comments welcome.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Greetings comrades!!
You have entered the blog the Great Git Atomic!!!!Cower in fear at the nonsense you have unleashed to torture the this world of intellectuals!!!MUHAHAHAHAHa!
Ok,ok, Ill cut the crap.Heyllo yevverybady!welgum to thee bust place to find unity in diversity: not understanding?.Plese allow me elucidate.

how often have you felt that the best thing about having an internet faciltiy is the best outlet to your potentially disastrous skills?How often, have you dear gits and associates-turned to this sea of blogs to let loose the thoughts that play catch and catch in your minds? How often did What? Does this have anything to do with the unity in diversity thingy? No of course no! I was just mentioning this in passing.

Anyway as i was saying, This blog will display unity in diversity-no no nothing to do with Rang De Basanthi, though i did like the movie a lot- you see the fact remains that every blog shows not just one stream of thought.And, if I'm going to be posting things regularly here-it'll definitely not have anything in the same line of thought. ITs going to be rather a " flux of thought process " to qoute Sheela Mathai on the stream of conciousness( please contact gitler for further doubts on the subject).

So guys, what do you say to a weekend movie? Well go watch Pride and Prejudice? hmm? Awaiting responses as more philosophical thoughts run amok in my brain.until the next posting-Adieu!