Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And we are born again

Dear The World According to Me,

Another year dies. And a new one emerges from the womb of time. The world has been reborn with the hereditary traits of a million centuries- and not all of them good. Yet, it squalls unbeaten, determined to survive.

You too,dear blog, have survived. Despite the erratic and eccentric nature of the Creator, you have managed to go on. Not only have you survived,you have also grown. You have seen old faces move on and new faces enter, new branches grace your family tree. You enter the new year with the strength of a hundred posts behind you- a true achievement indeed given the decidedly Ent-like nature of the Creator. Regardless of droughts and depressions you still continue. And for this the Creator Herself bows to you (no meager compliment,this).

The World According to me is like the world. It moves into the new year carrying the scars and achievements of the ages. But yet, it remains optimistic, because not all that passed in the past was utterly irredeemably bad. The World According to Me is a world of it's own. And the Creator promises Happy things for you.

The Creator,


Happy New Year to all. :D


Materialmom said...

Congrats on the 100 posts.

Looking forward to reading many more.

AtomicGitten said...

Thanks :D
Your enthusiasm inspires me :D

Anush said...

very bad! not even a bye before leavin chennai? where are those manners ur mom taught u? hmpf!


(and a very happy new year)

AtomicGitten said...

Er... ok.
Bye! :D
Am I forgiven? :P

(And a very very wonderful New Year to you too :D )

Anush said...

no! never! once a nemesis...


i seriously had doubts if u were lookin at the monitor :P

and ya, i finally got that outta context joke. Me the bulb.

AtomicGitten said...

Oh come now, I'm sure the great Julian can be magnanimous.
As for your silly doubts- it shows that you have never dealt with a true blue mallu yet; we always look everyone straight in the monitor :P

That's alright, every Abdul Kalam makes one mistake. 20 watts?

Materialmom said...

Abdul Kalam is a regular feature isn't he?

AtomicGitten said...

Yeah well, he's a fan :P

Antigone said...

and I bow to the creator[ how meager be this? :D]

AtomicGitten said...

Not meagre at all Antigone!Even if everyone does that already :P