Poem : I'm not a poem.
"Of course it is one!" says the Reader.
But why is she one?
Why does he have to be one?
Especially when it doesn't want to be one?
'Appearance' you say?
But are you what you seem?
'Purpose' then?
Are you what you do?
Do you know your meaning?
"For what it says and how it says it?"
Why do you say the things you say?
And do you always think of the hows?
For that matter,
Why do you do what you do?
Why do you go where you go?
And is the 'where' where you want to be?
Are you what you are?
Or are you yet to be?
Poem says "I'm not a poem."
So what is this, then?
Something new?
Or something forgotten.
interesting. but then why define?
- y.g.f :)
am very dense as far as poetry goes :| But I just noticed your "About Me". So I am not the only person who had you confused with the oh-so-luverly diva-band huh :P :D :P
I am so suffering from an identity crisis now :P
Mm: Am tempted to talk about what Roland Barthes said (note to self:too many discussions on aesthetics), but will refrain :P Definition may not be strictly necessary, but it often makes life less confusing. :D
Notgogol: Yes, you seemed to have set off a rash of them :P
Vaish: Hey you needn't have any doubts concerning who you are. You're great :D
Ah. I feel like I've had one one of those conversations with you. You know the kind I mean? Where we go off in weird and confusing tangents till it sounds like we're saying up is down and right is left (or wrong!)? :) Ah, why'm I trying to define it ;)
Lol! Yes, I could have used your company the day I wrote this. Then again I could use your company anytime :D
Nice :)
PS:(Your friend Jan has made a fitting comment :) )
'Are you what you are?
Or are you yet to be?'
one word.
those two lines give it such a different meaning. loved the way the poem stops talking about itself and transcends into existential dilemma.
if that was your intention.
ThalassicReverie: Thank you T :D. And yes,Jan has a way with words :D
Vineeth: Hey!Thanks for the visit! :D
And thank you again, your praises do great things for my ego :P
I'm glad that you liked it :) Do drop by again :D
it runs in the blood a??? :P
Genetics is Bloody cool innit :P
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