Sunday, March 01, 2009

Book Bouquet

Rustle, flip-
The mellow parchment smell
wafting up
coffee mists
from thought's sandal spine.


Materialmom said...

coffee and sandal and chocolate?
But ya..the smell and the thoughts that rise from a book are flavourful

AtomicGitten said...

Old books smell like coffee, new ones like sandal and the really old ones like chocolate.

Sigh... just thinking about it makes my mouth water. :D

Jan said...

Mmm... :) Nice! I just tsated all that. Hehe, mouthwatering indeed! Just like books themselves! (Not that I want to eat books... But you know what I mean (; )

AtomicGitten said...

Jan: I get it alright... every time i walked through landmark I'd be slavering at the mouth to get at the books. :P

Materialmom said...

The boquet is wilting. Kindly replace with a new post

anusha said...

aaah .... I know u r talking abt books ... but m suddenly hungry ... N i just had my breakfast !!! ((damn :P ))

notgogol said...

oye mallu... update!

AtomicGitten said...

MM: Pouring water.

Anusha: Please forgive me if I aggravated your delicate appetite :D

Ng: Same to you, sir. (minus the "mallu" bit)

Antigone said...

ASRC...wood and choco. sigh.

AtomicGitten said...

Antigone: Sigh... I can't help but lovethat place... even if i have to research Pound there :P