Sunday, October 25, 2009

It isn't fair.
Everytime I look at you I am reminded of what I'm supposed to do. The World According to me must constantly be replenished. But what do I do when the world , according to me, is refusing to let me replenish it. For one thing there is work. For another, there is angst. When, beloved blog, did you transcend from distraction to duty? I do not know whether this transcendence is benevolent; for love is demanding. By its very nature it cannot but pierce you to do right by it.

And so, I pen this seemingly pointless missive, delivered on the binary coded wings of cyberspace pigeons and sincerely apologise. Every day I look at you and wish I could. But I ask you, with humble hope of acceptance, to wait awhile.

I will return.


Materialmom said...

distraction to duty? That is sad

AtomicGitten said...

True true... I have been driven into the darkest desert realms of creativity and fight desperately for a snatched glimpse of an oasis.

Anush said...

i honestly find it hard to bliv tat a prolific writer like u cant find time to spend time with ur first love (writing, i.e.)

u kno, just like u make it a point to brush before sleeping, u shud blog atleast a stanza before u sleep. Its not hard - all it requires is commitment (wich u have loads of), strict discipline (which runs in ur blood), a little thought (we may be a bit lacking here tho)...

or u cud just gimme ur phone number so tat i can read ur messages before sleeping and feel enriched.


AtomicGitten said...

Anush: Ah the words of the wise(guy)shine a torch in the dark times of The World According to Me :P
I will endeavor to follow your insightful advice.

As for my phone number: be careful what you wish for, young Bugger :P Why don't you just look to XKCD for enrichment? :D

Anush said...

errr maybe bcos XKCD is a guy? :)

AtomicGitten said...

Um... and guys can't be enriching? :P
Chill Anush, I am not casting aspersions on your homophobia :D