Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Something I found while rummaging through my Russian Literature class-notes while we were discussing Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak.

Something so "never again",
That it was bound to happen again,
Happened when we were not looking;
So we didn't know it was happening
Until it did.

Perhaps then, it makes sense
That each time it happens
It feels like Genesis and Resurrection
The coldness of the newness
Crashing against the warm moisture
Of congenial birth fluids of emotion,
so sharply,
That we cry out in painful ecstasy
That steals our breath.
Or rather,
Chokes our wind pipes.

"Never again," we say breathlessly
Panting in the aftermath of it all;
And fall headlong
Into the spiralling kaliedoscope
of again.
And again.
And again...


Materialmom said...

The basic ingredients of human experiences are never new, but the experience itself can be unique according to the infinite permutation combinations of individual nature, mood, age, environment, previous experiences and so on and so forth.
It may be a spiral of again and again, but each time the mind reacts in a never before way
So what happened?

Anush said...


"never again" was written outside the auswitz camp i think (after the Allies freed the prisoners)

but wen i read these notes of yours, i got the feeling that u r talkin of someone's lack of dietary discipline or maybe lack of adherence to a study schedule... of course, i am wrong as usual...

so in order to give the correct analysis of these notes , i have come up with this : "The basic ingredients of human experiences are never new, but the experience itself can be unique according to the infinite permutation combinations of individual nature, mood, age, environment, previous experiences and so on and so forth.
It may be a spiral of again and again, but each time the mind reacts in a never before way"

also, where can i get carnatic notes online? gimme a link...

AtomicGitten said...

MM:Nothing happened. I am guessing these are the maudlin ramblings that ran through my head when we were interred in a very...ahem... engaging class. As for human experience, to be human is to live in constant variety. Perspectives change the unchangeable thereby rendering the unchangeable as protean as the capricious vagaries of the weather.Everything is same but different, no?

Anush: Thank you for that bit of trivia, never knew that Auswitz carried such a hopeful missive on its hopeless portals.
While I am rendered clueless as to the dietary allusion, I assure you that the latter was not in evidence.(the study schedule, that is ;D)You are not always wrong, but you are never right :D
Ah! Plagiarism! I believe you have finally caught the academic bug :P And I am sorry but i can be of no use to you regarding the carnatic notes. Will search though.