Have you come across these songs which sound so amazing but have lyrics that don't make even a glimmer of sense?
Well,I have.
Take good old RHCP. Their music is great, but more often than not their lyrics sound like random words strung together for the fun of it. And for Lit. student (meaning someone who can find meaning even in the meaningless)to say that shows how completely unintelligible it is. And I'm not the only one- my good friend Ms Pouter also feels the same and she is a respected editor and critic! But why talk about firangee music when our very own Indian music shows this sad lack of meaning. Perhaps a better word to use would be comprehensiveness.Imagine a love song which addresses the object of affection as "Rakshasi"?????You actually expect the girl to fall for you if you call her demoness? How dumb are you? And this from the same industry that created songs like "Neelaponnmaane" and "Akale". If you consider malayalam too far south let's go to the north. Tell me, where's the beauty in something like "You are my Soniya"? It's like a nursery rhyme for Godsakes! But then Hindi songs are easy to make. Add a couple of "deewanas" and "pyars" with a good dash of adjectives(not necessarily appropriate) and a few punjabi phrases for the fun of it and - TADA!- there's your popular Hindi song.
The trouble is we are just way to busy nowadays to actually listen. So it's naturally imperative for the pressurized music director to create the catchiest tunes and to hell with words and all that. Which is why ad jingles are so satisfying. But consider this, when time flies off and all that is left of us is a few words on a page in a history book- will they remember us as the age of Jingle music?....
Ah well, what does it matter. After all
...It's only words
And words are all I have
To take your heart away...
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago