Monday, December 31, 2007

You know you are old when

1.You go for co-ed culturals and all the sight-able guys are younger than you.

2.You listen to a speech and start snickering at double meaning quips and all the kids around you give puzzled looks.

3.You go back to school and more than five kids call you "Ma'am".

4.You wear a sari and people ask you for how many years you've been working.

5. When some young squirt asks you how things were "when you were young..."

6.You start saying "when I was young..."


Harish Suryanarayana said...

Hah ! Nice. But then, you are just 20 or is that just what your profile claims :P .

Happy New Year !

Anush said...

"1.You go for co-ed culturals and all the sight-able guys are younger than you"

oohhh... so now i kno why most of my seniors used to hate it wen i called them 'akka'

AtomicGitten said...

Harish Suryanarayana:Twenty is old. Especially when you used to be 19 and are going to be 21.

Crazybugga: Nobody likes being called sister mentally imbalanced individual.

Poshgit said...

Whole-hearted agreement with point one!! :)