It has been a while, hasn't it?
My supervisor- understanding as he is- will probably go into an apoplectic fit at this blatant stalling in writing. And by now he'd have written me off as a lost cause to good writing. But I shall smile in the happy knowledge that he doesn't read my blog :D
It has been while. The hurdles of final submissions, entrance exams, doubtful admissions, interminable tension-filled waiting followed by interminable procedure are all valid justification for the inexcusable hibernation. But more than all this, the evaporation of any creative impulse is the true culprit.
In every writers career there comes a period of intense emptiness. One might find subjects to write about but never the inclination or the excitement to actually write. Everything feels fake and hollow. You peel the skin off your writing you find only a puff of fetid empty air. There have been days when I spent hours staring at an unrelenting page only to slink back defeated. So much so that I considered ending it all. After all, it is an insult to The World According to Me if I am unable to contribute anything of worth to it.
It was somewhere around this period that Friendship Day came and went. The next day was punctuated by phone calls and wishes from friends laden with remorse for having forgotten the event. This guilt was completely unnecessary considering these were comrades who have stuck by my side through thick and thin. So why does it all supposedly boil down to a single day? After all the years and the experiences that we shared, how can a tiny thimble of twenty-four hours be capable of containing all the copious times we have shared. In that cusp of pragmatism I had an epiphany. The World According to Me is not the story of a day. It has been my friend, my confidant. It has suffered through my bad phases, laughed and smiled with my good ones and always been there. The World According to Me is my friend. And I cannot give up on my friends.
Here's hoping that I can be a better friend and that this dry phase too shall pass. And while the going might get tough, I will keep trying to add more and more to The World According to Me. Because that's what friends do. :)
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago
you are a gift...for the world and for your you..:)
I'll drink to that :)
I have but one question - entrance exams? Again? How much more will you study? Aren't you done already?
Abhi: Thanks love, only you would say such nice things :)
NG:Phd Entrances and interview. We have a lot to learn :D
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