Greetings comrades!!
You have entered the blog the Great Git Atomic!!!!Cower in fear at the nonsense you have unleashed to torture the this world of intellectuals!!!MUHAHAHAHAHa!
Ok,ok, Ill cut the crap.Heyllo yevverybady!welgum to thee bust place to find unity in diversity: not understanding?.Plese allow me elucidate.
how often have you felt that the best thing about having an internet faciltiy is the best outlet to your potentially disastrous skills?How often, have you dear gits and associates-turned to this sea of blogs to let loose the thoughts that play catch and catch in your minds? How often did What? Does this have anything to do with the unity in diversity thingy? No of course no! I was just mentioning this in passing.
Anyway as i was saying, This blog will display unity in diversity-no no nothing to do with Rang De Basanthi, though i did like the movie a lot- you see the fact remains that every blog shows not just one stream of thought.And, if I'm going to be posting things regularly here-it'll definitely not have anything in the same line of thought. ITs going to be rather a " flux of thought process " to qoute Sheela Mathai on the stream of conciousness( please contact gitler for further doubts on the subject).
So guys, what do you say to a weekend movie? Well go watch Pride and Prejudice? hmm? Awaiting responses as more philosophical thoughts run amok in my brain.until the next posting-Adieu!
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago
yeah right sounds like atomic gitten alright...No one and I mean No one says things like that except her!!well as a week old veteran i must congratulate you on finallyentering the world of the blog!Tan tan ta daaaaaan!!!!
yup agree with gitler on this every word and syllable has impressions of our very own atomicgitten..welcome to blog world..havent you done enough damage already that you come to the net..well who am i to speak hi(5)...join in fellow git together with powers of the other gits we shall conquer this sane world and turn it into our very own "lunarth" cheers happy bloggin!!
AYYOOOOOO! Run, people, run! What have we all done? *gnashes teeth in despair* (do people really do that? Oh, whatever!)
If I promise to be really, really good, atomic, will you please spare us the philosophising? Or at least the mad Mandork laugh? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top and a stem and a leaf?
Sigh. Too much to ask for, I know. But what the heck, it was worth a shot!
Congratulations, atomic! I shall now add you to my blog. :D
Hello comrade dearest! good to see you've ventured into the psycho world of bloggin! And with the evil mojo laugh I'm sure you'll go something bout the cough though ;-) want mojo-special vicks???
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