There is so much we are so prone to taking for granted isn't there? the sun rising in the morning, the water being wet,the summers being dry. The contraction of facial muscles causing smiles and frowns, flowers being pretty, music being nice......It all 'supposed to be' Suppose blue were not blue and actually mustard?or suppose when we ask for something 'hot' we want coke?imagine if i were taller???????Oh no-wont do at! It would be utter chaos and pandemonium wouldn't it?
And so its accepted that blues is blue, coke i cool and sree is on the litller side of the little scale.
These observations prove that whatever we know/do/say comes from a former known/done /said entity.
So in the end it all boils down to the point-
The whole world is made up of preconceived ideas and thoughts. what we call creativiy , spontaenity etc is all actually a remixing of old ideas into a new packet. Wat is absolutely NEW? Nothing. everything is based on something else. Everything is relative....rather depressing isn't it?
But then if you think about it..its true..sort of atleast.
Comments welcome.
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
Most of it is absolutely true! Everybody is a plagiarist, except for a handful true geniuses like Newton, Da Vinci. It's almost impossible, especially at this age, to come up with something truly original. However, I don't think something truly original would be accepted by today's society, as grounded in reality as we seem to think oursleves to be. Think about it... everything, starting from out education system, seems to be keen on squashing out creativity and on making all of us conform to society's mores.
But then, that's the way the cookie crumbles and we gotta live with it!
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