Welcome to the latest edition of Dr.Ames's inventory. Our research team has compiled four of the most rampant and often incurable diseases plaguing the New Age. The good doctor urges the avid readers to formulate possible cures for the the latter category.
1)Whine-flu: A chronic illness that is known to be more devastating to the bystanders than the patients, whine-flu is a terribly debilitating disease which once acquired is almost impossible to be rid off. It generally manifests as an infection in the ENT circuit, resulting in the generation of high-frequency nasal sound-emissions. These emissions, much like second-hand smoke, are more detrimental to those around the patient.Excessive exposure to Whine-flu patients have often known to result in extreme aggression and use of force on the patient.The patients themselves are usually oblivious to the effect of their emissions and their condition is uncommonly contagious. The Doctor advices immediate quarantining of the affected individuals, coupled with the judicious use of duct tape and/or straitjacket. As for treatment of the patients, the Doctor advices steady doses of Ignoredol by inoculated/inured practitioners.
2)Sighnessitis: A strange cardiac malady that culminates into a respiratory disorder, Sighnessistis is a universal ill. The disease manifests in the form of extended exhales which may go on for anywhere ranging from a minute to an hour depending upon the stimuli. Much like an allergy, the virulence of the disease is greatly dependent upon the strength of the allergen. Allergens may include malfunctioning technology, sentimental scenes, poetry,certain types of music, particularly beautiful and equally unattainable face(s), enlarging waistline,photographs etc. The Cure is largely subjective, but a double dose of the miracle drug Snapoutofit is known to be effective.
3)Brawn-chitis: Generally considered to be a male malediction, this is a psychological disorder triggered by physical causes. The malediction is usually characterized by excessive growth of musculature that consequently cuts of the air and blood supply to the cranial area rendering the patient with more brawn than brain and a growing obsession with biceps, triceps, abs and the like to the point of complete neglect of general life. A growing menace of the modern age, scientists and researchers are frantically searching for a cure to this debilitating disease.
4)Snoriasis:It is often confused with the Sleeping Sickness spread by the intrepid tse-tse fly in the jungle reaches of the Congo. Snoriasis is a much more widespread, broad-based disease. It is generally characterized by recurrent rashes of death-like sleep often accompanied by earth/eardrum shattering snores. Trying to rouse the patient in the midst of these spells is often fruitless. However, the doctor advices the use of cold water or sharp movement as possible modes of awakening. This is a disease where prevention is infinitely more possible than cure. Intake of coffee, pepsi and other glucose enriched, highly caffeinated substances are known to be effective methods of preventions, as is exercise and light entertainment. A good horror movie usually does the trick.
That's all for this edition, new additions will be added- as always- when the good doctor feels like it. Until then, stay healthy.
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago
Not a fan of Dr. Ames but it was a nice read. Why don't you put together a compendium as names like Whine Flu are bloody brilliant and need to be copyrighted ASAP?
Nice new blog photu!
Also, how exactly are you getting North Eastern Indian cuisine?
Thanks doc for the update :)
Ng: Thank you :) And will go about copyrighting just as soon as I am able :P. As we NEI cuisine- what are friends for? :P
MM: It was my pleasure madam :)
Dr. Ames is back!! Naaice :)
But I miss the haaaaaaaaand on the banner!! :(
the doctor "advices" a? shudnt it be advises?
i am a big fan of this dr.ames female. brilliant she is.
"imagination unlimited" nu oru company start pannidu.
Ames striketh again! Hmmm... Must review the afflictions closely, seems catchingly familiar to self...
Posh: Thanks lovette :) And the hand cleared the way for the glass half full of upside-down life :P Until the Creator deals the next hand :D (please thuppiffy not!)
Anush: Pun on advice/advise chellam. The doctor was planning on starting a pharmaceuticals.. perhaps the enterprise will be named thusly :P
Nitwitbits: With a vengeance it seems :P Apart from a half-hearted case of brawn-chitis (effectively cured by your sojourn at home) and occassional bouts of sighnessitis, the doctor deems you pretty healthy.
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