You can take the mallu out of Kerala, but you can't take the Kerala out of the mallu.
I'm what is generally known as a 'fraud mallu'. True, I'm not lost in the abyss of non-mallu-mallu-ness. But I'm close. I've only stayed a couple of months in good old Gods own country. I speak passably good Mallu. But I read and write it at the pace that makes a snail look like a speeding ferrari. I don't like coconut water and prefer tapioca chips to banana chips (which is the complete antithesis of standard mallu behaviour). I have no natural obsession with gold. Neither with coconut oil. The only mallu cliche I actually adhere to is that I do have the 'gelf connection'. Obviously I am truly not the example of a dedicated, mundu-swishing mallu.
Or so I thought.
One evening two fellow mallu hostellites and I began to reminisce. The topic veered towards movies and consequently to music. And then, naturally to all out singing. The kinship and the happiness experienced was immense! It was like being back home! And that's when it hit me. Despite the beauty of all those lovely evenings jamming with Gunther(in beautiful Chennai days) or with Firestone at the stone bench,the satisfaction I obtained from singing plain malayalam songs- regardless of how banal- was several times more. Simply because the songs were malayalam! It brought to mind those lovely lines by the poet Vallathol, roughly transalated as,
"All other languages are merely secondary,it is my language that stands as king."
That shared musical evening was enough to leave me nostalgic and sighing for several days to come. I recall those early days in Chennai when I'd yearn to hear malayalam being spoken. Of course now it's both Tamil as well as Malayalam (oh joy..)
Thetruth is that we humans all of us are intrinsically clannish. Regardless of how many times we try to declare ourselves nomadic or perhaps universal, at the end of the day we still have a hearth that our heart yearns for. And for the average Mallu (even the fraud one, apparently), this is more so since we tend to do things in extremes. No matter how fraud a mallu might be,s/he will always be a true blue mallu at heart. You never know when this trait will manifest itself, but be warned it does when you least expect it. Which brings to mind another verse from one of Vallathol's poems,(which I'm loathe to translate since I'll only make a mash of it)
"Ethu videshathu ponnu vasichaalum, ekaamba putrar naam- Keraliar."
Wherever we go we Mallus will always be Mallus.
On that note I'll get hold of my "ping lungi" and break into "I am a Malayalee". :D
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago
Yay! She finally updates! :D
I sooo know what you're talking about, dude! I mean, I'd never considered myself particularly clannish or anything... Until I moved away from Chennai. Now I yearn to hear the sound of Tamil, the most played songs on my Winamp are Tamil songs, I surf the TV for Tamil channels that I never really paid attention to while at home. and most of my chats with my sis are Tamil-transliterated-in-Engleesh... Why, I even love hearing the sound of Malayalam cos it sounds vaguely like Tamil and of course, Chennai is overrun with Mallus anyway so it reminds me of home :D Hehe... So you can say that again:
"All other languages are merely secondary,it is my language that stands as king."
Not only that, I long for a whiff of mallipoo and actually dream about eating idlis drenched in sambar (which I hate(d) as you know...)
Sigh... I guess it's true--we ARE all intrinsically clannish. Keep blogging, atomic...
Yes At long last an ACTUAL post! But in my defense, this place really does throw a damper on your creativity.
I spend afternoon teaching floor mates from Orissa, Bombay and Lucknow to sing mallu songs! Hell I'm even bugging Firestone to play some! I think these two facts are enough to state my case! I guess we're both swimming in the same fish bowl :D
shhh... you will reveal our secret and sacred agenda to make malayalam the world language.:)
1) I am sure you love Hotel Keralafornia :)
2) Do you have Lola Kutty's number?
3) My mom once asked, "Who, son, do you think would win in a fight between Lola Kutty and Quick Gun Murugan?"
P.S. Looks like my browser doesn't want me to visit ur blog. I popped in yesterday and your two latest posts weren't visible :P
MaterialMom: Oops! Almost let the poocha out of the pyy there :P
1) Unfortunately, I've never heard that classic piece. I bow my head in utmost shame.
2)No, I keep her on my blocked list because she kept bugging me for pointers on how to be Mallu :P
3)They'd probably begin to fight and then realise they had a greater destiny- to spread the sweet tones of their language in other unenlightened areas. So now Lola's on T.V :P
4) You really like the pointy format don't you?
Your browser must be jealous :D
1) :O You, Fraud Mallu you! Sacrilege! If Lola be reading this, she be very sad. Mail me on me gmail, ill phorward it.
2) You blocked LOLA KUTTY! :O Some audacity u have :P If Alexx reads this, you will have a lot of coconuts hurled your way lady.
3) Don't you mean "their languages"? If Quick Gun Murugan reads that you mistook him for a Mallu, he would be veri veri mad.
4.) Yeah :D My bread, butter and prawns depend on it :)
When I don't blog u call me dark-pot-fellow-calling-kettle-black-and-all.. and when I do blog.. tsk tsk..
Notgogol: 1)Ah but I compensate by making sure "On a cool summer morning" reverberates throughout the University campus.
2)Alexx is secretly on my side. This way he spends more time consoling her and ooll thaat.
3)Sigh... the problems of being a being of higher intelligence... Mallu and tamil respectively, love.:D
Hey, as an interested party it's my job to nag you into posting and pull your leg after you do to rub it in :D I must say I'm rather good at it ;D
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