One of the landmark discoveries of my college days is Landmark.
The Apex Landmark was my earliest haunt. I'd go there everyday.So much so that the security people would recognize me by sight,actually enquire if I missed a day in between and smile indulgently as they heard me sing along with whatever music was playing. That is my earliest memory in Chennai- singing in Landmark.
Coming from the book starved world of the middle east, and a school whose library was as big as the general ATM booth,Landmark was a Brave New World. Add music to this potent drug and I was enslaved.Dust stained and dismal after a day at College followed by work at the NSS centre, the tired first year student trudged through the A.C cooled portals of the beloved establishment- and fell in love. I found solace in endless shelves of worlds.Volumes bound in seductive leather,perfumed paperbacks which make your mouth water at their scent... was it any wonder that I was entrapped. I used to spend entire days there, reading until my arms chilled and I could no longer feel my fingers and toes.Landmark turned into the worst place to ask me to wait- I'd generally remain caught up in whatever book I'd be reading and completely forget any appointment. In fact I'd miss my curfew simply because I was reading. In my stuffy hostel bed I "recollected in tranquility.."of stories and music. I'd close my eyes and once again I'd be singing in Landmark.
First year rolled into second. I changed hostels but I still held on to my haunt. Most evenings would find me balancing precariously on the side of a shelf or sitting on a rickety stool bent over a book and humming along with the music. I remember an instance when they were playing Coldplay's The Scientist. As usual I began singing along and realised there was another voice singing as well. The guy on the other side of the shelf had the same revelation simultaneously. We gave each other sheepish grins and continued while I tallied another Lover to Landmark's list.
Second year crooned into third and third year into graduation. Following a short stay with the family (I'm still trying to figure out which creates the more painful parting, a long stay or a short stay),I returned into the warm- perhaps over warm- arms of Chennai. Post unpacking and such obligatory processes, I proceeded to reactivate my dormant contacts. The classmates came first. Most of our conversation revolved around up-coming entrance exams, future prospects and all that depressing stuff. The juniors, perhaps under some misconception of overnight maturity or trying to appear interested, endeavored to follow the same track. I was hit by a sense of over-powering change. Like when one stands on the beach and the water washes away the sand from beneath ones feet,and one has unknowingly moved. Dispirited and unhappy I sat slumped on my bed and decided that stasis would only lead to greater depression. Picking up my wallet and phone, I went to the first place my feet lead me- Landmark.
Standing in the Indian Writing section, I pick up a misplaced Gerald Durrell and transport myself to the sun-kissed island of Corfu. The Beatles' Yellow submarine plays in the background. I smile, not only at the antics of the Durrell family and their menagerie, but also at myself. What is there to worry when I have this? Things change, as they ought to. But there are the anchors that keep you steady even in the course of the flood. And for that you have books,music and moments like this- singing in Landmark.
Paradoxes: The Art of Contradiction and Hidden Truths
A paradox is a statement, scenario, or idea that seems to contradict itself
or defy logical reasoning yet often reveals a profound truth. Paradoxes
3 weeks ago
ya ya ya, very senti.
This post can also be ur confession tat u were reading books for free.
u jittery monkey u
Lol!Half my entries are evidence to my freeloading tendencies:D And yet while loading up my stuff I found the maximum space was taken up by books! And here I was thinking I was abstaining and being so noble, Humph!
"Jittery monkey"?? Er...
Awwwww... Sniff sniff... *wipes tears* Yes Landmark was my first love too... And nothing can really live up to the Apex plaza one... Sigh...
"I tallied another Lover to Landmark's list." ???! So it's not just the music and the books, huh? Lovers, eh? And a whole list of them!
Cough. Cough.
Landmark sounds like what I think heaven should be.
U should show this to them - it is good advertising
Jan: Actually the Citicentre one comes close. It's closer to my place too- less transport charges :D
And ahem... I believe "Riiiiight" sums up my feelings in that matter.
MaterialMom: So true... sigh.Hmmm... I should. May be they'd pay me for the publicity :D
"I found solace in endless shelves of worlds.Volumes bound in seductive leather,perfumed paperbacks which make your mouth water at their scent..."
You are expressing my yet-unwritten feelings with great precision :D
" What is there to worry when I have this? "
Indeed !
Thank you Thalassic, you're wonderful for my ego. :D
aww... me feeling mega senti.. there HAS to HAS to be a landmark in hyderabad!! i propose we go landmark hunting..
Fen'huang: Ther is a landmark in hyd. Sadly it's all the way in the departure lounge of the Rajiv Gandhi Airport.
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